AZ Tax Credit FAQs
How does the AZ Tax Credit for Qualified Charitable Organizations (QCO) work?
A donor can receive, dollar for dollar, up to $421 in tax credit filing as an individual or up to $841 in tax credit for couples filing jointly, for financial gifts made to Scottsdale Community Partners (SCP). To take advantage of this tax opportunity, write a check payable to SCP and mail it to: SCP at 7700 East Roosevelt St., Scottsdale AZ 85257 or donate online no later than April 15th.
Do I have to donate $421 or $841 all at once?
You do not have to donate the whole amount at once. Donations given throughout the year that add up to the $421 and $841 limits, qualify for the tax credit. We can even set up a monthly gift option for you to spread these financial gifts out over the year.
Can my charitable donation be made through payroll deductions?
Yes, you can make cash donations through payroll deductions. Please consult with your employer to set this up.
Can I take this QCO Tax Credit in addition to other tax credits such as credit for donations to schools and foster care agencies?
Yes. Each tax credit is separate, so you can take the Charitable Tax Credit in addition to tax credits for education, schools and foster care agencies. See Form 321 on the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website for other credits you may be able to take advantage of.
Can I take this Tax Credit for in-kind donations like food, school supplies or other tangible items?
No. The Tax Credit for Qualified Charitable Organizations (QCO) only applies to cash donations.
Do I need a special form from Scottsdale Community Partners (SCP) to take the Tax Credit?
You only need a receipt from Scottsdale Community Partners (SCP, which every donor receives in the mail or online after making a monetary gift. You will need AZ Form 321 to take the tax credit, which is available on the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website and is included with many of the available self-filing tax programs like TurboTax.
(SCP) Scottsdale Community Partners QCO code is 20340 and is listed on the Arizona Department of Revenue website under its former name Concerned Citizens for Community Health which you can review here.
To take advantage of this tax opportunity, write a check payable to SCP and mail it to: SCP at 7700 East Roosevelt St., Scottsdale AZ 85257 or donate online at no later than April 15th. Click here for more information on Qualifying Charitable Organization tax credit.
*Please consult your tax advisor for expert advice on your specific tax situation.
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