Making the holidays a little brighter for those experiencing a crisis.

Parents shouldn’t have to choose between paying rent or giving their children a decent Christmas.

Arizonans are struggling, even in Scottsdale. Inflation is at an all-time high. Rent prices have increased 30% or more. Food is more expensive. Gas is more expensive. As a result, the need for organizations like ours has grown exponentially.
The holidays are supposed to be a time for family, laughter, and togetherness. But instead, our Scottsdale neighbors are hungry, tired, and overwhelmed as they just try to get through the day, worrying about if they’ll be able to make it to their next paycheck. Or if they’ll get the job they interviewed for that they need so desperately to keep their home.
How you can help
Despite the incredible support of our family and senior sponsors, there are still tremendous gaps to fill when it comes to making sure every single person in the program receives everything available to them. Your donation will help SCP purchase any additional items that an individual or family may need to make their holiday special.

Adopt A Family Program
Our Adopt A Family program allows for these families to have their Thanksgiving meal, Christmas presents for the kids, and food for the holidays all provided by sponsors throughout the Valley. This critical program gives these families hope and peace.

Seniors shouldn’t have to choose between eating and paying the electric bill.

Adopt A Senior Program
Our Adopt A Senior program supports isolated, low-income seniors over the age of 60 who typically don’t have family or friends to spend the holiday with by connecting them with a sponsor. These seniors receive items like toiletries, stamps, a grocery card, and 3-5 items from their wish list. The most important part of this program is the delivery because Scottsdale social workers are able to connect with them, get them resources they so desperately need, and assess their health and wellbeing. We are passionate about serving every member of our community who needs us, especially those who just don’t have anyone else in their life to check in on them.
Together, we can show them compassion and give them hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Help us make a difference!
The more funds we raise, the more Scottsdale residents and students we can help!
Support our cause in a big way and become a sponsor partner.
We’re always looking for smiling faces to help facilitate our events.

City of Scottsdale Partnership
For over 40-years, we have been working closely with the City of Scottsdale to develop, support, and expand human services programs for Scottsdale youth, families, and seniors.

History of our Organization
From the passionate vision of one woman dedicated to helping her community, to becoming a significant fundraising arm for the City of Scottsdale programs, see how Scottsdale Community Partners evolved to be who we are today and how we continue to grow.