Our Programs
Discover how we are able to support Scottsdale residents through difficult times with programs like Adopt A Family, Healthy Packs, the Vista del Camino Food Bank, and so much more.
Programs for Youth

Healthy Packs
We provide kid-friendly, ready-to-eat, nutritious food for the weekend, so children return to school each Monday, energized and ready to learn.

Back to School
This program was designed to provide qualified students with a new backpack filled with school supplies, a pair of running shoes, and clothing including pants, shirts, socks, and undergarments.
Programs for Families

Vista del Camino Food Bank
Scottsdale Community Partners works closely with the City of Scottsdale’s Vista del Camino Food Bank to provide food boxes and homeless food bags filled with essential foods to thousands of hungry individuals and families each year.

Adopt A Family
Our Adopt A Family Thanksgiving and Adopt a Family Holiday Programs are joint ventures coordinated and facilitated with Scottsdale Community Partners and the City of Scottsdale Human Services Division.

Emergency Assitance
Our Emergency Support Services may include, but are not limited to, assistance with rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, transportation needs, prescription costs, and other emergency expenses.

Pet Pantry
Pets eat too! Our Pet Pantry was founded in 2011 as a solution for struggling households that were also having a hard time feeding their pets.
Programs for Seniors

Adopt A Senior
The Adopt A Senior Program supports isolated, low-income seniors over the age of 60 in our community. As with all of our programs, it is a joint effort between Scottsdale Community Partners and the City of Scottsdale.

Beat the Heat
The City of Scottsdale’s Beat the Heat Program was established to assist Scottsdale residents who are low income, isolated, homebound, or disabled and age 60 years or older, as a way to help them during the hot summer months.

Brown Bag
This program provides a weekly food bag to low-income seniors residing in Scottsdale. Many seniors in our community live on fixed incomes, which become challenged during the summer months when cooling bills skyrocket or when unplanned expenses occur.
Help us make a difference!
The more funds we raise, the more Scottsdale residents and students we can help!
Support our cause in a big way and become a sponsor partner.
We’re always looking for smiling faces to help facilitate our events.