Homeless Services
Providing Scottsdale homeless a path to stability and hope.
Maricopa County continues to see a surge in the number of people experiencing homelessness in most municipalities. In fact, the most recent statistics reported by Housing and Urban Development show a 36% increase of unsheltered people living on our city streets from just two years ago. The reasons for homelessness are complex. Very often they are tied to a “trauma problem” – many people experiencing homelessness are navigating deeply rooted trauma and having no shelter and/or no sense of safety or dignity only adds to their suffering. Exacerbating the problem is a lack of affordable housing across the Valley which makes it difficult to employ ‘housing first’ options.
The City of Scottsdale has, in the last few years, pivoted to a model that utilizes the skill and resources of a variety of different non-profit agency partners focused on issues related to homelessness. These agencies are already making a significant impact on the daunting issue of homelessness within Scottsdale’s borders. The impact these programs have in helping to stabilize the lives of some of our most marginalized citizens has proven to be incredible.

All donations made on this website go into our general fund supporting all SCP programs and initiatives.
How it Works
The City of Scottsdale collaborates with the following non-profit agencies to provide funding for services, navigation, and support to people experiencing homelessness.
Community Bridges Inc. with New Faces
This program is a collaboration between a local inter-faith non-profit called New Faces, Community Bridges Inc., and the City of Scottsdale. Day Relief Centers are currently operational at one faith community site and one City of Scottsdale location.
At Day Relief Centers people experiencing homelessness receive meals, respite, and navigation services. Community Bridges provides Navigators who are responsible for the intensive case management and coordination of daily programming at the Day Relief Centers. CBI Navigators also assist individuals in obtaining documents needed for employment, applying for benefits, and connecting them to resources for temporary and permanent housing opportunities. Community Bridges has achieved 180 unduplicated engagements at the Day Relief Centers since opening. CBI Navigators are also involved with street outreach throughout the community on a daily basis.
Phoenix Rescue Mission (Scottsdale Works)
Provides day labor opportunities to individuals experiencing homelessness and to individuals referred through the City of Scottsdale’s Criminal Intervention Court. A Navigator is also able to provide case management to individuals motivated to end their cycle of homelessness. A total of 54 individuals have participated in the Scottsdale Works program in the last year. Works program participants engage in various job assignments throughout the city including: The City’s Brick by Brick program, West World, and at assignments through Parks & Recreation.
Provides transportation to connect people experiencing homelessness to crucial resources. These crucial resources include transportation to services and resources connected to what are called ‘social determinants of health’. Examples include connecting individuals to employment, economic opportunity (DES, bank, etc..), food security, housing, social cohesion programs, and necessary errands. ELAINE has transported 174 individuals including seniors and other vulnerable populations experiencing homelessness.
St Joseph the Worker Workforce Villages
Program provides 7 rooms for up to 90 days to people experiencing homelessness in Scottsdale who are actively employed. Clients are provided wrap around case management services to help them reach their goal of long-term stable housing.
A Success Story
One veteran's journey away from addiction and homelessness
We recently had a 43-year-old man living homeless on the streets in Scottsdale who we met through our partner, the New Faces Day Center at Mountain View Presbyterian Church. He had been homeless for about six months after having been evicted from his apartment, living on the street, and struggling with a fentanyl addiction and PTSD from his military service. Despite our attempts to help him get detoxed and back on his medications, he let us know he was just not ready to be sober. We continued to work with him and encourage him, and he eventually successfully completed a detox program. He also was able to begin taking his medications for PTSD. As a result, we secured a Greyhound bus ticket for him to live with a friend who was willing to take him in. His navigation team join him at the bus station that morning and waved goodbye as he boarded, thrilled at another successful exit from the program.
Individuals and families have been able to exit our homeless programs successfully
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City of Scottsdale Partnership
For over 40-years, we have been working closely with the City of Scottsdale to develop, support, and expand human services programs for Scottsdale youth, families, and seniors.

History of our Organization
From the passionate vision of one woman dedicated to helping her community, to becoming a significant fundraising arm for the City of Scottsdale programs, see how Scottsdale Community Partners evolved to be who we are today and how we continue to grow.