Articles & Events

Republic Bank of Arizona Becomes Beat the Heat Program Title Sponsor with Scottsdale Community Partners, Donating $17,500
Republic Bank of Arizona (RBAZ) is proud to announce its commitment to the Scottsdale community as the new Program Title Sponsor of the Beat the

2022 Alli Ortega Empty Bowls Fundraiser Kicks Off Feb 22nd
The Alli Ortega Empty Bowls Fundraiser online auctions is the flagship event for Scottsdale Community Partners and City of Scottsdale Human Services in partnership with

10 Reasons a Community Needs a Local Food Bank
Food insecurity is something that no person should have to worry about. The Vista del Camino Food Bank works to alleviate this issue in the

Covering the Bases: Back to School 2019
Students will receive new clothes, shoes, a backpack, and additional school supplies for the upcoming school year. Enrollment for this program is limited, please call

Back to School Interview with Holly Snopko on Ch 3 News
Check out Holly Snopko’s interview with Ch 3 News!

Scottsdale Rent Assistance Program Helps Those in Crisis
Our Scottsdale rent assistance program is a service we provide to keep families together with minimal basic needs disruptions while also preventing Scottsdale homelessness.

Local Pet Food Bank in Scottsdale Feeds Your Furry Friends
Let our P.E.T. Pantry, a local pet food bank in Scottsdale supply your furry family members next meal, so you won’t need to worry about their next meal.

Helping Provide Groceries for Low-Income Seniors in Scottsdale
The Granite Reef Senior Center provides groceries for low-income seniors in Scottsdale along with qualified disabled residents through the Brown Bag Program.

How the Scottsdale Food Bank Serves Local Families
Residents in the surrounding communities come to Vista Del Camino, a local Scottsdale food bank, when in search of basic needs support.

Scottsdale Empty Bowls Fundraiser Fights Local Hunger
Hunger is a battle many in Arizona fight every day. The annual Alli Ortega Scottsdale Empty Bowls fundraiser wages the war on hunger in our community.

Helping Scottsdale Homebound Seniors is Critical During Summer
Summer heat in AZ can be dangerous for our elder isolated residents. Our Beat the Heat Program is just another way we are helping Scottsdale homebound seniors!

SCP can Help with School Supplies for Low-Income Families in Scottsdale
For families in need of assistance with giving their children the tools needed to do well in school both academically and socially, Covering the Bases gives more than just pencils and backpacks, it gives confidence and support when it is needed most.

Items to Donate to Seniors in Scottsdale Arizona [Wish List]
The Adopt A Senior Program has a list of items to donate to seniors in Scottsdale Arizona. Discover which items are needed the most to help Scottsdale seniors.

Adopt A Family Provides Help for Low-Income Families in Scottsdale
Our Adopt A Family seasonal program welcomes all individuals, families, and organizations to take part in this charitable and meaningful event.

SCP Fights Childhood Hunger in Scottsdale with Healthy Packs
To combat childhood hunger in Scottsdale communities on the weekends, we are proud to be part of the Healthy Packs program!